
This is an introductory course on statistics and we will use real-world examples from medical sciences to establish the foundations of probability and distribution theory, and introduce important statistical skills, from descriptive statistics to sampling and inference. In addition to these examples, we will conduct interactive experiments in this space to demonstrate the use of key techniques.

The main objectives of this course are:

  • Understand that the point of statistics is to answer questions about the world.
  • Learn to work with data, from constructing simple visual and numerical summaries, to fitting models and assessing the accuracy of their predictions.
  • Develop the ability to critically evaluate uses of statistics.

The course should be of value to anyone intending to pursue further study in any field involving the analysis of data. 

Effective Data Analysis Using SPSS

Effective Data Analysis Using SPSS

This module aims to explain:

Installing and Introduction of SPSS

Import Data & Understand Variable types

Missing values, Date wizard & recoding of variables

Restructure & Transpose dataset

Split, Select & Extract datasets

Weighting & aggregating datasets

Merge cases or variables and compute the dataset.

Organizer: Statistician Team

Department of research & Development

Royal Papworth Hospital NHS

Contact us: akshay.patil@nhs.net