Avoiding Workplace Conflict

Skills Boosters

Conflict can be immensely costly to organisations, damaging to relationships and disastrous for productivity. Wherever it manifests itself, conflict is a major cause of stress in the workplace and it can lead to long-standing grievances, factionalism and absenteeism. Being able to handle conflict effectively, whatever the situation, is a skill that will help you to build strong, constructive working relationships and improve the overall performance of your organisation. Featuring dramatised scenarios and expert analysis, this short course looks at the causes and patterns of conflict and provides a comprehensive toolkit for achieving positive outcomes.

Maximising Potential Through Developing Strengths

Skills Boosters

People perform best when they are doing what they are good at and what they love. Put simply, a strengths-based approach is one that focuses on what people are capable of and energised by, rather than on what they have done in the past or their technical knowledge. Instead of focusing on addressing a person’s weaknesses, it places the emphasis on developing and enhancing their existing strengths and discovering their potential. Combining drama with expert commentary, this short course looks at how taking a strengths-based approach to development can deliver huge benefits in terms of identifying and maximising potential, improving engagement and motivation and boosting performance.

Six Steps to Leading Productive Meetings

Skills Boosters

All too often, the meetings we attend are tedious, irrelevant and a waste of our time – when they ought to be a place where we can get together to share information, skills and experience and achieve something special. Meetings are an expensive activity for any organisation, so it’s important that they actually achieve what they set out to do, and don’t just stop people from getting on with their jobs. Using a mix of drama and expert commentary, this course looks at why so many meetings go wrong and provides six easy steps for reclaiming the power of the meeting and turning it into a dynamic space for constructive collaboration.